Success of inaugural CampMED at OUWB prompts immediate second session
An image of an OUWB faculty and participants at CampMED
亚伯兰·布鲁梅特博士.D., 助理教授, 基础医学研究系, over看到s CampMED participants using one of the kits from BackyardBrains.

A summer outreach program hosted by OUWB had such a successful run in June that the school is hosting a second session in July.

这个项目是CampMED, a two-day event held June 25-26 that gave local high schoolers a look into careers in medicine.

CampMED is an evolution of the OUWB Online Summer Enrichment Program, which previously took place over the course of five days, with sessions held virtually on four of the days and in person on the fifth.

The updated version proved a hit: OUWB received almost 250 applications for the program.
汤娅·贝利博士.D.他是多元化和公平事务副院长 & 包容, 及社区参与, said that prompted officials to offer a second session July 23-24. (会议已满.)

“暴露很重要,”她说. “We believe in [having] more opportunities to present to our students in the community with what they can be and their potential. Allowing them to engage with our medical profession and professionals is key.”

Bailey explained why the decision was made to condense the previously week-long event into a couple of days.

“我们认为, how cool would it be to compartmentalize and compact everything into two days, 并允许更多的专家从这个领域来, 我们的教师和医生, to come and engage with our potential new medical students,”她说。.

Allowing that opportunity while experiencing it in person was the biggest focus heading into CampMED.

An image of Tonya Bailey hugging a CampMED participant

汤娅·贝利博士.D.他是多元化和公平事务副院长 & 包容, 及社区参与, hugs a CampMED participants receiving a certificate of completion. 

“Bringing them right here on campus and giving them campus tours, 让他们接触, 看到, feel and hear real-life experiences around medicine is key to them exploring all that they want to be,贝利说。.

第一天, students were introduced to the human body's inner workings through a tour of OUWB’s anatomy lab with Malli Barremkala, M.D., associate professor, 基础医学研究系. 学生 were also trained in CPR, the Heimlich Maneuver, and how to use an AED.

Day two allowed students to engage with a panel of current medical students and learn about neurotechnologies by controlling the actions of their peers through Backyard Brains mind control kits.

OUWB’s current students took the role of mentors and found as much value in providing their knowledge and guidance as the camp attendees did in receiving it.

“I’m interested in ophthalmology,” said Rahul Shamarayar, a rising M2. “It’s cool to come here and talk to students who are interested in ophthalmology or get them interested in ophthalmology, and ultimately spread my interest and passion to others.”

亚设Odisho, 一个上升的M2,也是志愿者, 他把这次经历比作他年轻时的经历, 他自己进入了医学领域.

An image of the participants of the inaugural CampMED

Participants in the inaugural CampMED at OUWB pose for a group photo.

“当我像他们这么大的时候, I had very kind people also take time out of their day to explore medicine and ophthalmology,他说. “I really appreciated it and because of those people, I feel like I started this path earlier and with more confidence.”

As a result, Odisho felt it necessary to give back to those attending CampMED.

“我也想把遗产传承下去. Give that same confidence and shed the same light that they did to these high schoolers and let them know how cool this specialty is and give them a taste of it,奥里索说.

The high school students who attended CampMED said they took a lot away from the experience.

“I want to become a cardiac surgeon, being here affirmed that,” said Sarankshan Kohli, 15.

Like Kohli, other students also attended because they previously had an interest in medicine.


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“(CampMED) definitely nurtured our interest and grew it and allowed us to work more and talk to more experienced people,塞尔玛·阿拉姆说, 16. “这就像我们迈出了第一步.”


"跟医学院学生和急救医生在一起, it was really helpful to know about their medical journey, especially for students like us who are in high school and trying to do that ourselves.”

At the program’s conclusion, students received certificates to recognize their efforts. 学生 were also given a chance to evaluate the program.

展望未来, Bailey said the program will continue to strive to deliver the best experience by incorporating students’ feedback and making continuous enhancements.

“We take students' voices very seriously,” Bailey said. “我们希望加强、改进,然后扩大. We want them to know that we hear them and that their voices matters.


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